Marking a revolution in fresh, fast espresso technology, the E6Mu is the only fully automated espresso/cappuccino machine that requires no cleaning of the milk delivery system. With patented gravity-fed milk, its foamer head and milk hose are designed for daily disposal. Made up of the E6 (espresso unit) and Mu (milk unit), all milk steaming and frothing is done automatically and dispenses directly into the cup at the push of a button. Using fresh milk and whole beans, the E6Mu offers the ability to serve all the beverages typically found on a cafe menu without sacrificing quality and without requiring the usual training to prepare these drinks.
Video Rating: 0 / 5
This is just a quick video on how to make great tasting Chai Tea Cappuccinos in your own home using either an Automatic Coffee Machine as in the Video or you could apply the principles when using a coffee machine with groupheads.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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ReplyDeletehehe das ist ja wiedermal ein tolles video! aber will irgendwer erfahren wie ich jedes monat über 6000 € nebenbei dazuverdiene wirklich easy mit der hilfe meines notebooks? schaut euch am besten jetzt auf mck-team*com die Anleitung zur Methode an! echt kindereinfach und im TV bei galileo wurde das system auch schon als legitim begutachtet! einfach mal öffnen und lesen. kostet ja auch nichts :).
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ReplyDeletewhats the music in the vid?